Located in the heart of Melbourne’s south-east, we offer excellence in co-educational learning from our Early Learning Centre through to Year 12.


  1. The game will be played under the rules of the ANFC unless contra indicated below. 12-a-side format (Yrs 7-9): (4) quarters of twelve (12) minutes duration for all games. 15-a-side format (Senior): (4) quarters of fifteen (15) minutes duration for all games. No ‘time on’ added unless an exceptional case such as ‘blood rule’ or injury requiring a stretcher. In the Junior format, if both schools have 15 players or more and agree, a 15-a-side format is permissible.
  2. To enter a team into EISM Football, the following conditions must be met. Two staff need to be with the team. A competent first aider needs to be in attendance. Each school to provide a ‘goal umpire’, with flags. No spectators allowed behind the goals between the point posts. Goal umpires must check scores at the end of each quarter.
  3. Timekeeper to have a means, other than a whistle, to indicate the end of each quarter.
  4. Goal squares and boundary lines to be clearly marked.
  5. A field umpire may send a player off in accordance with the “Red Card” policy.
  6. Junior 12-a-side format: Quarter time breaks to be three (3) minutes, Half time will be six (6) minutes; Three Quarter break will be three (3) minutes. Senior 15-a-side format: Quarter time breaks to be three (5) minutes, Half time will be six (10) minutes; Three Quarter break will be
    three (5) minutes.
  7. Runners shall be dressed appropriately and be identified to the central umpire.
  8. A field umpire may declare a goal umpire’s decision incorrect and has the power to overrule it after consultation with the goal umpire. The field umpire’s decision is final.
  9. In 12-a-side format, when a team nominates that it has 9,10 or 11 players, the opposing team is to field the same number of players. The team with a shortage must use all available players & have no interchange. If a team has below 9 players, that team must forfeit the game. In 15-aside format, when a team nominates that it has 12,13 or 14 players, the opposing team is to field the same number of players. The team with a shortage must use all available players & have no interchange. If a team has below 12 players, that team must forfeit the game. This does not apply to yellow card incidents.
  10. If a game has to be shortened, then the match should be played in two equal halves.
  11. The 5-5-5 system (Centre line: 3 onballers/2 wings) is in place for each centre bounce for the 15-a-side format and the 4-4-4 system for 12-A-Side for each centre bounce.
  12. After a point, the player does not need to kick to themselves to play on.
  13. When the ball goes out of bounds a free kick is awarded against the player to last touch the ball. A disputed ball out of bounds shall be brought in 10 meters from the boundary line for a ballup.
  14. Any penalties given by the umpire to be 25m only. If the umpire deems a tackle to be dangerous (sling or driving tackle), a free kick and 25m penalty to be awarded. If the same player repeats this type of tackle, he will receive either a Yellow or Red Card as well.
  15. Grounds to have a technical area that coaches and interchange need to stay within.
  16. All Posts must be padded and cricket pitch adequately covered.
  17. Recommended Safety Equipment: Mouth Guard, Football Boots.
  18. Football sizes: Boys: Year 7-8 (Size 4), Year 9-Senior (Size 5), Girls: Year 7-Senior (Size 4)

Mercy Rule:
If a school is 60 points in front the “Mercy Rule” to be activated. Each time the leading school kicks a score (goal or point), the team that is losing has a free kick from the centre of the ground. Rushed behinds do not constitute a “kicked score” so the “kick in” would be taken from the goal square. The Mercy Rule is in place for the remainder of that quarter. If the margin is less than 60 points at the start of the next quarter, the mercy rule is deactivated until the 60 point margin is reached again. Maximum Winning margin: 60 points.

Tied Grand Final:
In the case of a Grand Final being tied, teams are to play an extra 5 minutes each way. If still tied, shared Premiership.