Touch Football

- The game to be played according to the rules of the Australian Touch Association unless contra indicated below.
- 6 players on the field, with up to 7 interchange players. Interchange can occur at any time.
- The dimensions of the field are to be the same as a half size soccer pitch (approximately 70x50m) with appropriate Touch markings.
- All Team Members must wear a uniquely numbered shirt and Football boots are permitted.
- If the dummy half scores or is caught with the ball, a turnover of possession occurs. Score does not count.
- The ball cannot touch the ground when in play. Turnover of possession occurs if the ball does make contact with the ground.
- The ball is not to be kicked during the game.
- At the “playing the ball”, the ball needs to be stationary between the legs without touching the foot.
- At “play the ball”, ALL the defensive team players must be 5 metres from the “play the ball” (in a straight line).
- The ball must be passed in a backward direction.
- Field are suggested to be 70m x 50m and appropriate “touch” markings need to be in place.
- All year levels to use Classic Touch Match Senior sized ball
Mercy Rule:
The “drop off” rule is to apply when a team gets to 5 tries in front. When a team gets to 8 tries up, a second player is “dropped off”. If the losing team were to score a try and get back within the 5 or 8 tries buffer, the player who had been “dropped off” can return to the field of play.
Maximum winning margin: 10 tries.
Tied Grand Final:
In the event of a tied final, extra time is played. The “Drop-Off” rule to apply, so every 2 minutes a player from both teams is taken from the field and not replaced until a “golden-try” is scored. If after 8 minutes a try has not been scored, it will be deemed a shared premiership.